Sunday, December 16, 2007

Bleed It Out....Christmas Style

Wow. It's Sunday already and I am sitting in front of my computer thinking of all the homework that I need to complete before i go to sleep. To keep it short. I have a crap load. But being the smart person, I have decided to blog instead of typing my monty essay. Don't you hate it when a holiday comes, say for example CHRISTMAS, on the last or second to last week, you teacher spams hw, test, and projects. It is quite annoying, i mean it should just proceed as an ordinary week not as an "o we must cram this thing in before the holiday" week. Despite Mrs. Chen stubborn words, it is indeed time for the holiday spirit. It is time to be happy, where emoness is on the back of our mind. Nine more days until Christmas, more importantly 3 more school day for the rest of the year. [that never gets old] But when I think about it, my Christmas would be ordinary. However, there is one THING/FACTOR that'll change ALL of my plans up. Right now, i am hoping that it will happen. And then there's the las vegas thing. I need to ask my parents about that, but i doubt that my parents will let me go because they are the best like that, but it never hurts to try right? So i shall try.
So today I find out that I am gonna to to radiology to get an x-ray on my lovely shoulder. I mean it feels fine, except for some exception. C'mon I could even arm wrestle with it, so it should be fine. Then one Tuesday, I am going back to my stupid Orthopedic. It is such a waste of time. [I'll explain on my blog on Tuesday] This should be interesting, i am quite intrigued at what my xray would look like. It is an adventure. A mystery. But right now, i am really out of shape. With that in mind:
GOALS after my arm completely heals:
1. get back in shape
2. try to convince my parents to friken let me drive for heaven's sake!
3. [This is now]try to "understand" parents and agree with them, because i get in trouble too much! i'm sick of it..WHICH MEANSSSSSS......1. not talking back. 2. not talking back. 3. NOT TALKING BACK.


thecow135 said...

you forgot 4. not talking back
and also it never works. trust me.

thecow135 said...

hey vincent... guess what?
you ALSO have word verify.
smartie =P

ueit28 said...

how come
when i comment myself...i it? =]