Monday, January 14, 2008


First thing first. Let's put this in a simple way: my appetite is diminishing. I don't have the massive hunger craving i use to have. REMEMBER GUYS that one time at parent conference, where i just completely masticated the McDonald that Edward bought for us. I coulda eaten more, but someone stopped me saying it was bad for me-.-. Yea, anyways it is gone..well at least for this week. Haha, maybe it will come back to me once i start swim. Swim could work up an appetite. Because it is so god-dam tiring. Haha, stomach capacity shrank? metabolism GOING away??? or plainly too selfconscious??[which comment-.-]
Second thing i would like to address. People should go through a filter before they say something. It really gets annoying. People should not just blab out things that they just conclude with absolutey nothing to back them up. Those people should just shut up and listen. It isn't that hard, even a dog could do that. Don't belittle urself to a dog. Conclusions should not be made in thin air. For heavens sake, even if u make them, please keep it to yourself. They could be true, they could not be true; it doesn't matter. For example, today i was just walking and someone[whom i shall not speak and am hoping he/she will not be reading this>.<] asked me the most "makes me wanna jam them" question on earth. please. *zip* ur mouth.

aside from that. have a great day ^^


Wynn said...

interesting.. somehow i think i know what you're talking about

Anonymous said...

o.o how come shadow_marlfox knows and i dont =[ lol
EAT! :D it's good for u ^^

thecow135 said...

was it wynn?

or was it me?

Wynn said...

actually, i dont know if it was me or not...

thecow135 said...

who's babo...
wtf wynn lol why'd you change your name!